
Mechanical Piping
Parametric mechanical piping
design program. Places pipe and fittings per American
Pipe Manual© dimensions. Draws flanged, grooved, mechanical
joint and welded or plain end pipe, fittings and valves. |

Global Pipeline Design |
Interactive gravity and
pressure pipeline design program. Design and redesign with ease. Automates
every step of drawing production so you can concentrate on your design. Automated plan and profile sheet generator produces a good looking complete annotated set of Plan & Profile sheets for your alignment.directly from your design.

Point Analysis and Drafting |
Draw using Point Descriptions
whenever and however you want them. No more tedious description keys.
The real power is in allowing you to instantly sort and order random points
for drawing edge-of-pavement, streams, woods lines, faults, or just about
anything else. Does not require AECC_POINT or AECC_COGO_POINT objects or DCA/Softdesk style point
blocks to be in the drawing but they can be used if they are. ParaPOINT can read ascii point files, Civil 3D objects, as well as the old DCA point blocks and some other point blocks. |

Batch Script Generator |
BPLOT2K creates batch plotting
scripts effortlessly. Batch scripts for any purpose are very easy
to create and run. Numerous autolisp tools are included to enhance the
power of your script. |

CLG Layer Management |
Provides interactive definition
and control for CAD Layer Guidelines (CLG)©.
Flexible and easy to use. (See CLG5 in the free lisp list) |

Abbreviation List Management |
Provides interactive definition
and drawing for master abbreviation lists, dicipline specific abbreviation
lists, and project specific abbreviation lists. Creates neatly formatted
columns of text to the width and height you specify .Just pick the starting
point, it is done instantly and you are ready to plot. Flexible and easy
to use. |

Typical Note Placement Tool
Provides interactive creation
and placement of typical notes (any notes) from a master list and/or
individual multiple project specific lists. Includes search and refined
search functions to retrieve any note instantly no matter how large
your typical note list is.
Also provides a detail callout bubble option for each
note. When selected, it automatically places and fills in the detail
bubble with the values you have associated with that note. The option
can be turned on and off individually for each note without losing that
note's current bubble fill-in data. The bubble on/off status and values
are stored in your note file as well as word wrap specifications you
have made. Powerful, intuitive and very easy to use. |

Text, Dimension and Geometric Masking
With or Without Wipeouts |
ParaMASK provides a better,
more robust masking ability than Wipeouts without using any custom entities.
This gives you complete control over them. ParaMASK will create curved
shapes such as donuts, pie wedges, donut wedges or any shape you can
make with a polyline with or without arc segments.
Visual Lisp, AutoLisp, DCL |
Custom programmed solutions
can reduce man-hours to minutes or even seconds on your CAD workstations.
Custom solutions are tailored to satisfy your specific requirements. |
Menus |
Custom AutoCAD menus: toolbar;
popup; pulldown; icon; tablet; or screen menus, can provide quick and
easy access to the tools your users rely on. |
and CAD Standards |
Custom programmed solutions
and custom menus together provide the fastest most productive method for
implementing your company standards firmwide. Need help developing your
standards? We can write your standard for you or provide experienced consultants
to assist you. |